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행복여행 학술자료

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공지사항 목록
번호 제목 작성자 등록일 조회수
68  Oishi (2013) Concepts of Happiness Across Time and Cultures 한양대관광랩 2022.07.04 329
67  Easterlin (2003) Explaining happiness 한양대관광랩 2022.07.04 313
66  Striessnig (2015) Too Educated to be Happy? 한양대관광랩 2022.07.04 315
65  Walker (2015) Values of happiness 한양대관광랩 2022.07.04 312
64  CAGE (2015) Happiness and productivity: Understanding the happy-productive worke... 한양대관광랩 2022.07.04 349
63  Veenhoven (1991) Is happiness relative? 한양대관광랩 2022.07.04 351
62  김주연 외 (2022) 베이비붐 세대의 행복여행 조건과 의미 한양대관광랩 2022.07.04 333
61  권장욱, 이훈 (2016) 행복감이 오래 지속되는 여행체험 분석 한양대관광랩 2022.07.04 401
60  Goodman et al (2017) Measuring Well-Being: A Comparison of Subjective Well-Being... 한양대관광랩 2022.07.02 452
59  Lee et al (2018) Tourists’ happiness: are there smart tourism technology effec... 한양대관광랩 2022.07.02 452