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인스타그램 게시물을 통해 관광객의 행복에 대해 분석하다

한양대관광랩 2023-10-19 조회수 744

[인스타그램 게시물을 통해 관광객의 행복에 대해 분석하다] 

대부분의 사람들이 여행 시 사진으로 특별한 순간을 포착함으로써

그 순간을 간직하고 SNS를 통해 타인에게 공유하고 있다.

“행복여행”과 관련된 해시태그(#)로 언급된 사진들을 대상으로

여행자가 어떤 순간에 어떻게 행복을 표현하는지 알아본 결과,

여행 중인 자신의 모습 혹은 여행지를 배경으로 한 

‘자기표현적 행복’이 가장 많은 것으로 나타났다.

김수용, 박창환, 이훈 (2021). 여행자는 어떻게 행복을 표현하는가? - 행복여행 사진 분류체계를 중심으로-. <관광연구논총>, 33(1), 91-121. http://dx.doi.org/10.21581/jts.2021. 


The purpose of this research is to examine when/how travelers feel happy. The importance of travel in a person’s happiness has been supported by multiple research projects. Hence, to examine how travel happiness is expressed, photograph data was collected through hashtags related to travel happiness from Instagram, the most popular image based social media. Hashtag, one of the constructs composing an Instagram post, represents the topic of the post and functions as a search keyword. Collected data was analyzed through the process of visual content analysis and consequently a photo category of happiness travel was constructed, with its 56 subcategories. This category includes the components of tourism, as well as 3 travel stages including before departure, moving to destination and at the destination. As a result, it was found that happiness on travel is expressed throughout each stages of travel, not exclusive to certain area and period of time. Also, travel happiness photo shared on SNS is often characterized as self-expressive. Travelers like to leave photo of themselves, with or without the destination on the background. Lastly, social connection is often considered in travel happiness. Not only that photos with travel companions show high frequency, it is spotted that travelers explicitly state who they are traveling with through travel items they prepared.