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SNS에 여행의 추억을 남기는 이유

한양대관광랩 2023-10-19 조회수 1,204

[SNS에 여행의 추억을 남기는 이유]

소셜미디어가 여행자의 관광체험을 표현하고 기록하는 장소로 대두하고 있다. 

소셜미디어로의 관광체험 공유와 행복은 어떤 관계에 있을까?

기존 문헌을 토대로 관광체험의 공유에 관한 개념적 틀을 제안한다. 

관광체험의 공유는 관광만족에 긍정적인 영향을 미치며,

여행자의 자존감과 행복감을 높인다. 

여행자마다 소셜미디어에 공유하는 동기는 다를 수 있으나 

공유함으로써 헤도니아(hedonia) 또는 에우다이모니아(eudaimonia) 행복을 느낀다.

Choi, J.W., Kim, K. B., & Lee H. (2021). Sharing Travel Experiences on Social Media and Happiness: A Systematic Quantitative Literature Review. Journal of Tourism Sciences, 45(6), 9-36. http://dx.doi.org/10.17086/JTS.2021. 


Social media has become a place where travelers express their emotions and record travel experiences. However, there has been little research on sharing travel experiences on social media and happiness. The purpose of this study is to understand why people share travel experiences on social media and is to propose a conceptual framework of the relationship between sharing travel experiences on social media and happiness. A systematic quantitative literature review method was applied to explore research trends in sharing travel experiences on social media. Specifically, from the SCOPUS database, a total of 120 articles were extracted followed by the PRISMA checklist. Then, they were coded with several categories, such as publication, keywords, the research contexts, and variables, and were finally exported to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and analyzed. Results of the systematic qualitative litterateur review suggest that sharing travel experiences on social media positively influences travel satisfaction and enhances travelers’ self-esteem and happiness. Theoretically, this study developed a new theoretical framework on the relationship between sharing travel experience on social media and happiness. In particular, the framework indicates that even though individuals motivation of sharing travel expediences are different, they may experiences either Hedonia or Eudaimonia by doing so. Results of this study also imply that social media could make practical functions such as advertising travel destination and monitoring current and potential travelers' behaviors.